as a zelda fan...
I was highdly disapointed, the final 2 made me laugh, but the others just weren't that great, weather it could have been more Ocarina or Twilight but It was probably just the lack of humor, meeeh...
as a zelda fan...
I was highdly disapointed, the final 2 made me laugh, but the others just weren't that great, weather it could have been more Ocarina or Twilight but It was probably just the lack of humor, meeeh...
Hmmm... im going to be purely honest
Nah, not that great, i was really disappointed, if this was your first time watching a brawl taunt sure it would be funny, but compared to the other 2, it just seamed to be average. The jokes seamed to have been recycled from every other thing and well, its just not that great.
Brawl taunts 1 and 2 were awesome, but this just was a massive disappointment compared to those 2.
Being a pure democratic american...
Seeing the begining made me laugh, i had no clue who chavez was until i googled his name, lol, but i had to watch a speach of Gordan and yea, i literally fell asleep.
I don't know if it was because i found Obama's speaces so inspiring, or that he is just incredibly dull.
something gets a desurves a daily 1st/front page, then this goes into this category.
I love the fact that it had a great moral to it, so thats why i gave it a 10/10 and 5/5
I honestly loved this. Great idea, great job
Egoraptor, don't get me wrong, I love every other vid... but this... im sorry but it was just the same joke over and over again! Yes it was funny at first but after about a minute i just wanted to click that black x.
Ego man, your good, REALLY GOOD, but I don't think this was one of your best.
ok the voices was clear and the art was nice. I love the comedy and I only got two questions... was that really your dad, and did you really use one of those cams???
cuz if you did that thing is incredible! the sound quality was just EPIC!!!!
no and no. :)
if your going to make a one piece parody, at least do it on the original anime and not the 4shame dubed crap
Allright, it was pretty decent kinda short and lacking a little humor in my opinion, but dont think i didn't laugh, this video deserved front page, and its a great flash!
Love the song they play when mario goes berserk...that part was the best!
That was kinda... freaky, a little on the disturbing side, but looking on the positive note, it had pretty good animation and artwork, and to top that off, it got the most important thing, humor...
You have made me laugh hard because of this video, i would like to see another one of these again! Great job, i loved it!
Well im thinking about getting in to flash animation with a friend of mine, and if i do, i do the voice acting/some of the pictures and he does the animation, if we do get in to this, were going to need more voice actors for what we do.
Age 44, Male
Silent hill
Joined on 7/13/08